
Videos Available On Line

In the past few years I’ve authorized a number of my keynote speeches to
be put on the web. Most of them are 40 to 90 minutes long. I’ve listed them in reverse chronological order. They contain certain material that is not in the current version of the book:


Cost of Delay: Theory and Practice – on Youtube (June 2016) (Duration 83:15)

This was a Meetup in London hosted by AWA. It discusses some of the analytical challenges of calculating Cost of Delay, common misconceptions, and what works to institutionalize it. During the Q&A in the last 20 minutes you will probably only be able to hear the answers. It has less mechanics and more depth than May 2012 Video.


Thriving in a Stochastic World – on Youtube (December 2015) (Duration 57:49)

This was a keynote at YOW! 2015. It discusses how small batch sizes and fast feedback loops can make variability an asset instead of a liability. It talks a bit about Nassim Taleb’s concept of antifragility.

An Introduction to Second Generation Lean Product Development – on Youtube (September 2015) (Duration 87:19)

This is a 90 minute introduction to Second Generation Lean Product Development to a software audience. It covers seven of the big ideas associated with this topic.


Rethinking Robustness – Uncertainty is not the Enemy – on Vimeo (November 2014) (Duration 51:44)

This is a 52 minute examination of how we can exploit variability in product development. It discusses variability, robustness, option theory, antifragility, and accelerated feedback. It was given at the LKCE 2014 in Hamburg and is identical with the next presentation done at LKFR 2014. I’d actually recommend the LKFR version because the slides are better synchronized.

Rethinking Robustness – La Sagesse du Système D – on InfoQ (November 2014) (Duration 54:08)

Despite the title, this is not in French. It has the same content as the preceding video done at LKCE 2014. It was given at the LKFR 2014 in Paris.

The Logic of Flow: Some Indispensable Concepts – on You Tube (September 2015) (Duration 33:09)

This is a 33 minute examining the quantitative dimensions of Continuous Delivery. It was given at FLOWCON 2014 in San Francisco.


The Big Ideas behind Lean Product Development – on You Tube (December 2013) (Duration 43:58)

This is a 45 minute overview of seven big ideas behind Lean Product Development. It was given at the 2013 Lean Startup Conference in San Francisco. It is introductory but not lightweight.


The Practical Science of Batch Size YOW! 2012 – on You Tube (December 2012) (Duration 62:03)


This is a deep dive into the math behind batch size, the origin of the Economic Lot Size equation, and the implications of this equation for product developers.

YOW! 2012: Don Reinertsen – The Zen of Product Development – on MSDN Channel 9 (December 2012) (Duration 48:40)

This is an informal interview with Channel 9 MSDN discussing a wide range of topics. No, I don’t know how it got Zen in its title.

LKCE12: Donald Reinertsen – The Science of WIP Constraints – on Vimeo (October 2012)(Duration 63:12)

This is a deeper dive into what makes WIP constraints work. You will find out why the Kanban technique of the Toyota Production System, is only one of many strategies we could use when WIP becomes too high.

LKCE12: Donald Reinertsen – Making Money by Buying Information – on Vimeo (October 2012)(Duration 07:40)

My first, and possibly only Pecha Kucha. A bit over 6 minutes of compressed information about the economics of buying information. A quick glimpse at the intersection of economics and information theory.

LSSC12 : Decentralizing Control – on Vimeo (May 2012) (Duration 94:07)

My presentation on decentralization of control at LSSC12. It uses the examples of Wildland Firefighting and The U.S. Marine Corps to describe how organizations harness the initiative of decentralization while retaining centralization’s ability to align and concentrate efforts.

Embracing Variability – on InfoQ (May 2012) (Duration 59:52)

In Manufacturing we always try to eliminate variability. As this presentation explains, that is not always the best strategy in Product Development. If you think manufacturing solutions like, Six Sigma, are the correct answer for product developers, you will find this video troubling.

Interview at GOTO 2012 (May 2012) (Duration 23:48)

This is a 20 minute video interview done by Jesper Boeg from Trifork at GOTO 2012. It ranges over a variety of topics related to the ideas in the Principles of Product Development Flow.

The Tactical and Strategic Art of Economic Models – on InfoQ (May 2012) (Duration 61:40)

Most of the hard trade-offs in product development require quantifying the cost of delay. This presentation discusses some of the mechanics of doing this calculation. You can find some sample spreadsheets here: Downloads.


Understanding the Magic of Lean Product Development – on InfoQ (November 2011) (Duration 59:06)

This is a good general overview of the science that makes Lean Product Development work. It argues that we can only adapt the ideas of Lean when we understand their mechanisms of action.

Don Reinertsen – Is It Time to Rethink Deming? – on Vimeo (October 2011) (Duration 64:14)


Deming was a great man, but do not watch this presentation if you think everything Deming said can be applied to Product Development just the way it is applied to Manufacturing. You’ll learn why the random variables of manufacturing are very different from the random processes of product development.


The Easy Road to FLOW Goes through a Town named LEAN – on InfoQ (April 2010) (Duration 90:12)

Presents my view that Lean is a step along the road to FLOW, but not the final destination. It discusses the need to extend the ideas of Lean Manufacturing by incorporating proven techniques from engineered systems that deal with variable and non-homogeneous flows — a prime example: the Internet.


Second Generation Lean Product Development: From Cargo Cult to Science – on InfoQ (September 2009) (Duration 71:24)

A discussion of how we can move from faith-based Lean to ideas based on science.

I’ll eventually remove some of the videos, so let me know if you particularly like certain ones.